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Explore AMT Post Processing Technology

PostPro De-Powdering System

De-powdering for Additive Manufacturing

AMT’s POSTPRODP is an economical and speedy de-powdering system, that cleans powder-bed products in just 10 minutes. The machine is equipped with a cyclone, which guarantees that the abrasive is perfectly cleaned. The machine is CE and ATEX certified machine, which prevents the risk of fire or explosions.

PostPro SFX/SF50/SF100

Chemical Vapor Smoothing

Fully automated surface finishing technology that smooths and seals the surface of 3D printed polymer parts. Achieving a surface finish with an injection molded look and feel. The process is non-line-of-sight and therefore can smooth complex geometries and internal cavities of thermoplastic parts without degrading the mechanical properties. Combined with UL & CE certification, the patented PostPro vapor smoothing technology is recommended by the world leading additive manufacturing players.

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